Hailey came down with a stomach bug friday night 11/16 and was up throwing up fri night and sat off and on till sunday. We canceled her party that was planned for Gymboree cause she was just not up to it. Glenne wound up getting sick sunday night with the same bug and I got it monday afternoon. We did have to take Hailey to the ER on monday cause she was not eating or drinking much liquid and she was not making any wet diapers. The er doctor gave her a shot to settle her stomach so she can start eating and drinking and get better. We went to her Dr's for a follow up on wed and she said its a bad bug that is going around with throwing up and direahea. She is doing much better now, back to normal....just teething!!
She now has 6 teeth but it looks like there may be a couple more trying to come through. We have her 1 yr check up on 12/5 so I will update after that appointment. She is still just cruising along the furniture, she likes when you hold her hands and let her walk, and stands by herself before she realizes that she is standing by herself and holds onto something real quick. She babbles a lot...we have dadada, mom,mamama, ruf (more like a growl), she tries to make a honk sound when squeezing your nose. She waves bye bye and waves hi....She says hi and bye too. She points at everything and if she wants it will yell till you figure out what it is she wants and gives it to her. She sings the lalala part of Elmo's world song. She loves Elmo!! She is now sitting forward facing in her carseat and its a whole new world for her to see what is in front of her for the first time!!
Here are some birthday cake pics. She did not know what to make of everyone singing to her, and did not know what to do with the cake at first...but afer I gave her a taste of the cake she realized it was good and to dig in!
Here are a couple pics of her opening presents.
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