Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween Parades at school

Hailey had 2 Halloween parades and parties at school since not everyone is 5 days a weekers. (some go m/w/f and others t/th) All the kids were so excited about Halloween at school. It was really cute to see them all dressed up and so excited. Hailey dressed as Cinderella on Thursday and as a Witch on Friday.

Hailey and her buddy Trent. They have been in the same class since she started at Cypress Creek 2 yrs ago. This is their 3rd year in class together. They sometimes have a love/hate relationship! LOL
Hailey with her Friday class and Teachers Miss Debbie and Miss Amber
Friday's parade
Waiting for the Mother's day out classes to get done so they could start their parade.
Hailey and Trent again they always seem to sit next to each other. This was thursday.
Thursdays class with teachers Miss Debbie and Miss Vickie
Thursday's parade

The Director of the school greeting the parents in the courtyard before the parades started. She is great with all the kids.


Just some random pics from around the house. Hailey doing dress up play one sunday and Hanging out with me.

She has her eagles jersey on...then a tutu, on top of that a dress with a tulle skirt, various jewels and hat. In her hands....???? it was important though.
another view.....I think the things in her hands in the previous picture are now in the bag.
Hailey and Mommy hanging was a sat. We were watching Ponyo. Good Movie! (this was before 2 fantasy football drafts so I had to rank my players...BIG DEAL!!) This movie stopped me from doing that this day.

October day at the Beach

We have had for the most part a pretty awesome october. One saturday after soccer we went down to the beach for the afternoon. We had packed the car up in the morning and did not tell Hailey. She must have seen the beach toys in the back when getting in her carseat cause as we got on the highway she asks "Daddy, are we going to the beach?"

We went a further down in Galveston to a different area, where its not longer considered seawall blvd. It was a great beach (and right across from our fav burger place in Galveston). The beach was very wide and the water was shallow for a good while. There were people fishing and it was still 75/100 yds out and it was maybe waist deep. Great spot!! We had a family next to us that was doing some fishing and getting a good amt of fish. We walked and found some hermit crabs and I found a half of a sand dollar(have not found one of them since I was a kid in jersey), we also found some nice shells and few that had some living sucker things in them. After the beach we went to the Aquarium at Moody Gardens for some looking of the sharks,Hailey's Green Eels were not around though :(

Hailey's favorite thing to do at the beach is to find a little pool of water to play in.

Building some sand castles. I build them....she eventually knocks them down
Doesn't that water look beautiful!! Yes...its the Gulf of Mexico!! even looks almost blue!
Hard at work at the beach playing in the sand
Hailey hard at work....nice butt shot of me.....yikes!!
We were hoping to go back down this weekend, we got a bit of a cool front that came in this week and our HIGHS have been in the mid 70's and the lows in the 50's. We will see if we get there.

Some Soccer stuff

Here are a few pics and a video of Hailey at soccer class. She loves it. All the kids just LOVE Coach Sean. He is great with the kids and they all listen very well. The class is a lot of fun for the kids and its teaching them the basics of soccer. Glenne and Ginge were impressed that a couple times she used her left foot to stand one of the cones upright in one of the exercises they do.

About Me

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Spring, TX, United States
We are a family of three who are still Philadelphians at heart. Hailey is the first to be born in Texas from our family. We love Texas but still count Philly as home we have 2 homes in our hearts. We will always support our first home town teams....Philly teams!!