Rod Stewart came to Houston. I did not expect to go to the concert. Tickets were way more then I would even DREAM about spending. Glenne is addicted to craigslist, we are also selling baby stuff of Hailey's on craigslist too. Glenne saw someone post an ad for 4 tickets for covered reserved seating for way less then the ticket cost. The pavillion is like that place in camden for you philly people,covered seating then lawn seating for the rest. The plan was to sit in the seats and take pics then find someone with lawn seats and trade. Well...the seats were great.....Hailey was excited to see ROD!! She kept asking, "where is rod?" Of course we took pictures. He can still put on such a show. He still can move,still kick those soccer balls around and can still sing just as well as he did in the begining. The HAIR still just sticks up when he puts his hands thru it!!! LOVE ROD!!!!! If we were closer I would have been making Glenne battle for a soccer ball for Hailey. The tour was "the hits" but he did not sing my favorite song of his of all time. "do you think I'm sexy?" I have not heard him sing that since the first time I saw him in concert probably 10 yrs ago. We planned on taking Hailey cause we figured her first concert this would be a good one. Of course we have pictures!
Hailey and Mommy waiting.................
We had great people all around us. We had 2 women who were trying to teach Hailey the peace sign at one point. There was a couple directly behind us that just loved her and were trying to teach her sway her arms in the air. The couple next to them..not behind us....were watching Hailey and thought she was having such a great time and loved the fact that her first concert was Rod Stewart! As we were walking and walking out of the concert so many people stopped us and just said hi to Hailey. She got a pin that blinks colors on the way out from an older couple. EVERYONE loved that her first concert was Rod Stewart. I have loved ROD since I was little, I do not know if it was before 5yrs old but I know of stories growing up of me singing "if you want my body and you think i'm sexy come on sugar tell me so, if you really need me just reach out and touch me.." I am going to be 36 yr old on 7/31 and I saw ROD...just 1 wk shy of that birthday....almost 31yrs..probably more of being a fan!!! I just wish that we could have gotten one of those soccer balls that he kicked out. I just love being able to see him perform. He was awesome as usual!!!
I have lots of other pics.......I will save those!
that's so cool that you took her and it went great. I want to take Evan to a huey lewis&the news concert in the fall. I think she'll love it.
I think Evan would do great. Huey Lewis...cool.
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